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Early Bird Registration
Closes 11 March 2016 -
Hotel room reservation
11 March 2016 -
Release of Provisional Program
15 April 2016 -
Final Payment deadline
31 May 2016
Field Trips
ICOP 2016 is proud to host several post-conference field trips on permafrost in Europe and Eastern Siberia. The following three post-conference field trips will take place:
Permafrost E-W Transverse - European Alps (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

25 June - 01 July 2016
This field trip will be held on 25.06 until 01.07 and will take the participants to Alps to look at mountain permafrost, monitoring,rock instability, cable cars on permafrost, dynamic properties of rock avalanches and monitoring, lake seismic, drillings, rock glaciers and geohazards. It will lead the participants to the following stops:Zugspitze & Eibsee Rock Avalanche - Schladming/ Dachstein-Region - Kitzsteinhorn - Murtel/Corvatsch. This field trip is organized by Michael Krautblatter, Markus Keuschnig and Samuel Weber.
Permafrost E-W Transverse European Alps
mountain permafrost, monitoring,rock instability, cable cars on permafrost, dynamic properties of rock avalanches and monitoring, lake seismics, drillings, rock glaciers, geohazardsOverview:
Potsdam - Zugspitze & Eibsee Rock Avalanche - Schladming/Dachstein-Region - Kitzsteinhorn - Murtel/Corvatsch - Potsdam
Day 1: Zugspitze & Eibsee Rock Avalanche
6.00 - 13.30 Travel Potsdam-Eibsee
13.30-14.30 Eibsee Rock Avalanche
14.30-15.30 Cable car transfer to the research station "Schneefernerhaus
17.00 Dinner at the Schneefernerhaus - Overnight in the stunning Schneefernerhaus
8.15-9.00 Breakfast (included)
9.00-12.00 Visit of the Kammstollen and the Zugspitze Summit
Day 2: Schladming/Dachstein-Region
13.00-16.45 Eibsee-Schladming
Overnight: JUFA Schladming - https://www.jufa.eu/en/jufa-schladming/
8.00-17.00 Dachstein Massif & Undercooled scree slope Untertal
Guided by: Kellerer-Pirklbauer/Sass/Rode/Schnepfleitner
17.00-18.30 Transfer to Kaprun
Overnight: JUFA Kaprun - https://www.jufa.eu/en/jufa-kaprunzell-am-see/
Day 3 Kitzsteinhorn
8.00-14.30 Visit Kitzsteinhorn
14.30-19.15 Transfer to Pontresina
Guided by: M. Keuschnig and I. Hartmeyer
• Permafrostmonitoring,
• Risk assessment for rockfall and foundation engineering in permafrost
• Reconstruction of cable car Kitzsteinhorn
Day 4 Schafberg/Pontresina Schafberg/Pontresina -
8.00-17.00 Schafberg
Guided by: M. Phillips
• Direct/indirect natural hazards deriving from alpine permafrost regions
• Sustainable risk mitigation in alpine permafrost regions
Overnight 28.6.-1.7.: Youthostel Pontresina - http://www.youthhostel.ch/de/hostels/pontresina
Day 5 Murtel/Corvatsch
8.00-8.30 Travel Pontresina-Murtel Talstation
8.30-15.00 Corvatsch
Guided by: Christian Hauck
• Murtel-Corvatsch: the Alpine site with the longest permafrost record
• thermal, geophysical and kinematic monitoring
• rockglacier dynamics and evolution
15.00 Relaxing at Lake Sivaplana etc.
Day 6 Travel back to Potsdam
• Stop in Munich central station Modes of travel:
Duration of trip:
25.06. - 01.07. 2016max. number of possible participants:
25Estimated costs per person:
550,- EuroOrganizers:
Germany: Michael Krautblatter, m.krautblatter@tum.de
Austria: Markus Keuschnig, markus.keuschnig@sbg.ac.at
Switzerland: Samuel Weber, samuel.weber@tik.ee.ethz.chContact:
Michael Krautblatter, m.krautblatter@tum.deContributors:
S. Knapp, M. Krautblatter, P. Mamot (TUM), S. Weber (U. Zurich), A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer, O. Sass, M. Rode (U. Graz), I. Hartmeyer (U. Salzburg/AlpS), M. Keuschnig (TUM, GeoConsult, AlpS), M. Phillips (SLF) & C. Hauck (U. Fribourg)Comments:
-Download the detailed programm here.
Permafrost landscape dynamics in the Central Yakutia (Russia)

This field trip will be held on 26.06 until 06.07 and will cover diverse Central Yakutian permafrost landforms, permafrost hydrology and ecosystem dynamics as well as different thermokarst landscape stages and typical cryolithological exposures will visit and discussed. This field trip is organized by Alexander Fedorov.
Permafrost landscape dynamics in the Central YakutiaTopics:
Spring waters and icings, Thermokarst landscapes stages, Yedoma (Ice complex), Central Yakutia
The excursion will cover diverse Central Yakutian permafrost landforms, permafrost hydrology and ecosystem dynamics as well as different thermokarst landscape stages and typical cryolithological exposures will visit and discussed.
26.06. Day - Flight from Berlin to Yakutsk
27.06. Day – Ulakhan-Taryn (spring waters and icings, Bestyakh terrace hydrogeology)
28. + 29.06. Day – Yukechi / Khara Bulgunnyakh (thermokarst landscapes stages, pingos)
30.06. Day – Tyungyulyu / Syrdakh (large alases, Yedoma exposure)
01. + 02.07. Day - Mamontovaya Gora (Neogene-Pleistocene exposure, Stop in Churapcha)
03.07. Day – Return to Yakutsk
04.07. Day – Spasskaya Pad (greenhouse gases measurements / permafrost ecosystem dynamics)
05.07. Day - The Lena Pillar national park
06.07. Day - Flight from Yakutsk to Home (self organized)
Modes of travel:
Bus, River boat
Hotel, Local houses, Camp, River boats
Duration of trip:
10 days
max. number of possible participants:
max. 15
Estimated costs per person:
approx. 1280 EUR/Person (lowest costs in Yakutsk including stay in double rooms and joint kitchen), excluding flights and visa costs
Dr. Alexander Fedorov
Cryogenic landscapes laboratory
Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS
36, Merzlotnaya, 677010 Yakutsk,
Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, fedorov@mpi.ysn.ru
Dr. Alexander Fedorov, fedorov@mpi.ysn.ru
Vera Samsonova, Valentin Spector, Leonid Gagarin, Pavel Konstantinov (Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS), Mathias Ulrich (University of Leipzig, Germnay), Lutz Schirmeister (Alfred Wegener Institute Potsdam, Germany), Roman Desyatkin, Trofim Maximov, Alexander Kononov (Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS)
Svalbard (Norway)

This 6 day excursion (26.06-01.07) will allow participants to see numerous periglacial landforms and research sites on Svalbard, most of which are inaccessible to the standard visitor. The spectacular landscape of central and western Spitsbergen will be explored through hiking trips and boat excursions. After starting the excursion in Svalbard’s main settlement, Longyearbyen, we will travel by boat to the western coast to stay at a well-monitored field area. This field trip is organized by Hanne Christiansen.
Svalbard permafrost engineering and science research activities
Svalbard, engineering on permafrost in the Arctic, periglacial landforms and processes, permafrost monitoring, geocryology
7 days of field trip visiting Longyearbyen, Kapp Linne and Ny Ålesund areas in Svalbard
Longyearbyen UNIS and several research sites around here, at the Kapp Linne and in the Ny Ålesund areas.
Modes of travel:
Arriving to Svalbard by air to stay in the Unis Guest House in Longyearbyen. Local boat trip to Kapp Linne. Flying to Ny Ålesund from Longyearbyen and back.
Unis Guest House small appartments and Kings Bay accommodation in Ny Ålesund.
Duration of trip:
10 days,
25 June (travelling from Berlin to Svalbard), Excursion 26 June to 2 July. Departure from Svalbard from 3 July
max. number of possible participants:
app. 20
Estimated costs per person:
Hanne Christiansen, Ph.D., Prof.
Geology Department
The University Centre in Svalbard, UNIS
P.O. Box 156
9171 Longyearbyen
Hanne Christiansen, hanne.christiansen@unis.no
Bernd Etzelmüller, Julia Boike, Ole Humlum, Arne Instanes, Tatsuya Watanabe, Norbert Pirk, Graham Gilbert, Markus Eckerstorfer
The field trip includes mountain hikes of several hours. Participants are expected to bring along the appropriate equipment for this activity (walking boots, hat, gloves, rain proof jacket and trousers)
The field trips are made possible through the generous involvement of our national and international partners:

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