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Early Bird Registration
Closes 11 March 2016 -
Hotel room reservation
11 March 2016 -
Release of Provisional Program
15 April 2016 -
Final Payment deadline
31 May 2016
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Eleventh International Conference on Permafrost to be held in Potsdam Germany on June 20-24, 2016.
The Alfred Wegener Institute has teamed up with the UP Transfer GmbH and the University of Potsdam to organize a great conference for you, permafrost researchers.
We carefully selected the venue to maximize interaction between participants and facilitate switching between sessions. You will be able to seemlessly enjoy many presentations in different parallel sessions, watch cutting-edge plenary lectures and enjoy the social program and the excursions that my team and I put together for before, during and after the time of the conference, all in the same location.
We'll also offer a dedicated program for young researchers with a workshop prior to the conference as well as many other activities that you can discover on the website.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you in Potsdam in June 2016.

Prof. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten,
Chair of the ICOP 2016 Conference
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